Love Where You Live


Buying a property might be the biggest transition of your life! Excitement, fear, joy, frustration … Packing, moving, renovation, decoration… All kinds of fun stuff!

I’m here to help, every step of the way. Offering my professional knowledge and map out a strategic plan with you to move your life forward!

Turn Your Dream into Your Address


Home Buying Process

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1. Talk to a mortgage Specialist

Actually, you might want to talk to few mortgage specialists. Find out how much you will be qualified. What type of documents you will need, and what is your monthly payment like. Independent mortgage brokers are great! They tend to offer more options and they can work around your schedule. However, if you have a great relationship with your bank, contact them when you are thinking of purchase a new home. Obtain a copy of your pre-approval letter is a powerful negotiation tool later on.


2. Deciding where to buy and what to buy

Location! Location! Location! The golden rule of real estate. Community centres, schools, shopping centre & transportation… all these are the determining factors of your lifestyle. Finding the right neighbourhood narrows down your search. Drive-by and walk around at different times during the day. Do you like gardening? Do you travel a lot? Do you want something newer or something older? Once you find the neighbourhood you desire, the next question “What to buy?” becomes much easier.


3. Visiting properties

During this process, people become aware of what kind of things matter to them, direction of the property, layout, outdoor space, amenities & etc. This is time to discover the balance between your “wish list” items and the practical realities of the property. Each property has its pros and cons. Second visit is always helpful! Getting friends and family member’s opinion is important, because you want to get every angle covered, in case you miss anything.


4. Making an offer

I ALWAYS provide a detail comprehensive market analysis complete with recent sales in your desired neighbourhood.

I ALWAYS prepare an offer that protects you and matches your schedule and needs

I ALWAYS explain the details of the offer, the terms, and clauses ensuring your know what you are agreeing to

Above all that, I am an excellent negotiator!


5. Home inspection

Home inspection provides an opportunity for you to know the current condition of a home and allows you to scrutinize the details of some hard-to -get areas like attic, crawl space, and roof. There is no perfect home. Can the deficiencies be repaired or replaced? And how much will it cost? You might need to make some phone calls to your electrician, plumber and handyman to get a third party independent quotation.


6. Choosing a lawyer or notary

Lawyers are an important member to your team whose job is to ensure that you get what you are paying for and in accordance with the terms of your purchase agreement. Your lawyer will:

  • Checking the current title

  • Contacting your mortgage lender to secure your mortgage on title

  • Calculating property tax, condo fees and title registration fees

  • Providing you a statement of adjustment which shows you exactly how much money you will need to pay on completion date


7. Preparing to move

Movers are busy during weekends and especially on month end so you need to book in advance. Remember to change your address!

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BC Hydro: 1-800-224-9376

Fortis BC: 1-888-224-2710